1.41.0 - 2022/08/22

🚀 New Features and Improvements

A small release, but we all know about dynamite and small packages

MB all the WAY 💸

Universal Checkout | Payment Methods

We’ve added support for MBWAY via Adyen 🎉

MBWAY is a leading payments app in Portugal. Our integration will allow your customers to pay using their phone numbers and complete their payments from their MBWAY apps.



<aside> 💡 MBWAY via Adyen is only available in Portugal. Take a look at our Adyen Connection and the payment methods it supports on the Dashboard.


1.40.0 - 2022/08/12

🚀 New Features and Improvements

New payment methods and a couple of UI improvements!

Paytrail and Payshop via Adyen is now supported 💰