🎉 Congratulations! You've got a little Primigo on the way! 🎉

We understand at Primer, that becoming a new parent and welcoming a baby into our life, demands a lot from expectant parents. This is especially so, within those precious early months which are full of excitement, worry and a dash of exhaustion.

<aside> 1️⃣ We want to support you in this very special time which is why we have one simple policy for all.



How does it work?

This means if you have been employed by Primer for 3 months (and have passed probation) from the expected due date, we offer up to 24 weeks of full paid leave when you become a parent through birth or adoption, regardless of gender, location or family circumstances. A minimum of 2 weeks is to be taken at the time of birth or adoption, and the remaining 22 weeks can be taken flexibly in the 24 months following the birth or adoption of the child

If your country's statutory amount is higher than the above policy, you will always be entitled to the full amount, although this is rarely the case.

All people under 3 months of service (who have not passed probation) (by due date/ adoption date) are entitled to their countries statutory benefits.

Some practical examples

<aside> 🦊 Ben: Engineering Manager with 3 years tenure

Ben is having his first child with his husband through surrogacy. Ben is incredibly excited for this new adventure in his life and looks forward to spending those first precious weeks with his family. Ben decides to take 4 weeks off when his baby is born. He will then take another 4 weeks off 4 months after his return. He is not sure if he will take any more leave than this but he understands he has the flexibility of 2 years to do so if he wishes.
