Universal Checkout now allows for the saving payment methods with descriptions defined by your customers.

<aside> 💡 For the time being, a description can only be saved for cards. This feature will be expanded to allow for a description to be saved against any payment method which can be vaulted.


How it works ⚙️

Card form with card description input

Card form with card description input

Availing the card description input

Once the capturing of a card description has been enabled for this session, the input will be availed via the card form.

This field is optional by default and can be left empty by your customers.


Description shown in saved payment method button

After your customer has successfully paid with card information that includes a card description, their saved payment method will contain their new description.

Enabling the card description input 📞

In order to avail the card description field via the card form, you will need to contact your Primer representative. Currently, this can only be configured by us, but we’re working hard to allow the configuration of form inputs via the dashboard, so keep your eyes peeled for updates 🙂

<aside> 📬 Don’t have a contact a Primer? Reach out to us → [email protected]


Card description on the Payment Methods API

The description has also been added to the Payment Methods API. If you fetch a customer’s list of saved payment methods, the response will now contain description

// GET /payment-instruments?customer_id=cust-123

  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2021-03-01T12:00:00.123456",
      "token": "_xlXlmBcTnuFxc2N3HAI73wxNjE1NTU5ODY5",
			...  // Other payment method token fields
      "customerId": "cust-123",
			"description": "My business card"

Need to knows 🗣️

We like to get new features into your hands as soon as possible! Below are some improvements we want to introduce in the future: