<aside> 💡 Available from v1.15.0


This guide outlines how to perform any necessary validation, such as validating a form, before tokenization starts.

Complex validations are likely to be performed on the server-side, resulting in an asynchronous validation. By contrast, synchronous validation in the client prevents unnecessary popups from being displayed during the payment process. Use synchronous validation whenever possible.

<aside> ⚠️ Don't do any validation when onTokenizeSuccess is called. Not all payment methods are able to recover from an error thrown in onTokenizeSuccess - meaning that the user will have to go through the payment flow another time.


Synchronous validation

Call the function setTokenizationEnabled(isEnabled) to disable tokenization if the form is invalid, and to re-enable tokenization when everything is ready!

// Tokenization enabled by default
const checkout = await primer.checkout({ ... });

// Disable tokenization

// A function created by you to disable or re-enable tokenization synchronously
const handleFormValid = (isValid) => {

If tokenization is disabled, the callback onTokenizeDidNotStart is called whenever the user clicks on a payment method button or the "Pay" button.

Use this callback to share any feedback with the user.

const checkout = await primer.checkout({
	onTokenizeDidNotStart: (reason) => {
		// Show an alert, an error on the form, ...


Asynchronous validation

Use the callback onTokenizeShouldStart - called right before tokenization starts - to perform asynchronous validations. This callback should return a Promise.

const checkout = await primer.checkout({
	onTokenizeShouldStart: async () => {
		// Check that everything is valid on the server
		const isValid = await checkValid();
		return isValid;

	onTokenizeDidNotStart: (reason) => {
		// Show an alert, an error on the form, ...